Legend Wind

No significant problems are expected due to wind.
Dos not apply

There is a strong wind expected where local troubles or damage is possible and traffic congestion may arise. Be careful.
Wind gusts between 80 and 100 km/h
(70 and 90 km/h with leafed trees, between April 15 and November 15)

There is a very strong wind expected where damage or troubles on a larger scale is possible and traffic can be seriously affected. Be careful and follow the instructions of the responsible authority.
Wind gusts between 101 and 130 km/h
(91 and 120 km/h with leafed trees, between April 15 and November 15)

Extremely high wind speeds and wind gusts are expected, where very big damage or trouble is possible and the traffic may be seriously affected. Bring yourself, others and, if possible, your personal belongings to safety and follow the instructions of the responsible authority.
Widespread wind gusts of more than 130 km/h
(>120 km/h with leafed trees, between April 15 and November 15)