Legend Slippery Conditions

In most places there is little or no chance of troubles caused by snow, freezing rain, rime or frozen surfaces. Very local frost or frozen spots (bridges, viaducts, ...), and snowfall stay possible.
Does not apply

The ground may become slippery. This situation is dangerous for pedestrians and for cyclists. Road traffic is slowed down and can even become dangerous. Be careful.
1 to 5 cm fresh snow in 6 hours or
5 to 10 cm fresh snow in 24 hours or
(very) local black ice or
(very) local frost or ice patches

Extensive slippery conditions on the ground are expected in at least half of the province. This can affect traffic seriously and make it very difficult and dangerous. Be careful and follow the instructions of the responsible authority.
3 to 5 cm fresh snow in 1 hour* or
6 to 10 cm fresh snow in 6 hours or
11 to 25 cm fresh snow in 24 hours or
widespread black ice or ice patches

The situation is getting worse. In the region it is everywhere extremely slippery and additional snowfall or freezing rain is expected, or very intensive snowfall is expected. Traffic is almost impossible. Bring yourself, others and, if possible, your personal belongings to safety and follow the instructions of the responsible authority.
Everywhere slippery conditions and fresh snow expected
> 5 cm in 1 hour* or
> 10 cm in 6 hours or
> 25 cm in 24 hours or
Intense and almost generalized black ice
* the hourly forecast of certain values are broadcast 1 hour beforehand