About the RMI
RMI provides with WOW-BE (Weather Observation Website - Belgium) a platform for sharing, observing, discovering and further investigating of weather observations.

The project was launched as an experiment from UK Met Office in 2011 where everyone, who wants, can upload their weather observations. It was growing quickly and developed to a network of automatic weather stations from private people and schools. Australia, New Zealand and (in 2015) the Netherlands joined the WOW network which makes it today a global network with more than 10.000 stations. With the RMI as a new WOW-partner, we would like to offer this platform for everyone in Belgium who is interested in weather and climate.

Weather and climate concern us all. WOW-BE is therefore the ideal instrument for the RMI to arouse interest in meteorology and climatology among the Belgian population and especially among the younger generation.
Beside that has WOW-BE also a scentific use. The collected data of WOW-BE give the RMI a lot of information about places where there are no official weather stations or very local phenomena that are not detected by our observation network.
Discover the WOW-BE website (only available in Dutch and French)