
Agenda des conférences

Toutes les conférences auront lieu à 14 heures, dans la salle de conférences de l’IRM.
Avenue Circulaire, 3 à 1180 Bruxelles (Tél. : 02/373.05.08).

The Liang-Kleeman information flow as a method to identify causal links in climate studies

Dr. David Docquier

Assessment of the homogenization of the European ozonesonde time series

Dr. Deniz POYRAZ

Towards a new hydrometeors identification tool at the RMI

Dr. Sylvain WATELET

Space-based lightning observations and their utility for nowcasting severe weather


Towards seamless weather forecasting at MeteoSwiss

Dr. Lionel MORET & Dr. Daniele NERINI - MeteoSwiss, Switzerland The seminar will take place at 11:00.

From urban heat to random forest: the story of the "" citizen science weather station network

Eva Beele - KU Leuven

Spectrally resolved Outgoing Longwave Radiation from IASI measurements: The ROLSS project


Tipping of the Atlantic Ocean Circulation

Prof. Henk A. DIJKSTRA, IMAU & CCSS - Department of Physics, Utrecht University, Netherlands

Citizen weather reports at RMIB and their use for radar-based hail detection verification

Dr. Maarten REYNIERS & Dr. Laurent DELOBBE

Total Ozone, UV and radiosonde measurements at Princess Elisabeth Station, Antarctica

Dr. Alexander MANGOLD

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