Scope of research

Numerical weather forecasts

The RMI uses model configurations from the ALADIN system.

The ALADIN System (or short ALADIN) was developed within the European ALADIN-consortium.

This consortium consists of 16 national meteorological services. Each service runs one or more versions of the ALADIN system to meet national requirements. In addition, the ALADIN consortium organizes the necessary knowledge transfer so that the national ALADIN teams can contribute to the contemporary scientific research on the modeling of weather and climate.

The ALADIN System allows to configure various regional models that are adapted to the needs of specific applications. The RMI uses two different model configurations called ALARO and AROME. The ALARO Modell can run with resolutions from 50 km to 4 km. The KMI is currently also testing an implementation of ALARO with a resolution of 1.3 km. The AROME model has been developed to run specifically at high resolutions (from 2.5 km to about 1 km).

Weather forecasts

ALADIN is used to generate the daily weather forecasts, among others by the forecasters of the RMI but also for specially adapted products to the needs of the end user. Especially for warnings for extreme weather such as storms, thunderstorms, heat waves and heavy snowfall, ALADIN proves its usefulness.

Probabilistic forecasts

ALARO is used in the GLAMEPS probabilistic weather forecast system. The data of GLAMEPS are used as the basis of the INDRA warning system of the RMI. The RMI develops at the moment a high-resolution ensemble weather forecast system called RMI EPS, based on ALARO and AROME runs with a resolution of 2.5 km. Based on RMI EPS, chances in a location-dependent manner can be calculated for specific meteorological events, such as snowfall.

Predicted probability of snowfall with an amount of more than 3 mm on the basis of RMI EPS for a recent case on 11 December 2017.

Predicted probability of snowfall with more than 3 mm on the basis of RMI EPS (case on 11/12/2017)

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