General management
General management
The general management

The general manager determines the general politics and strategies in collaboration with the managers of the scientific services concering:
- the public sector
- the scientific research
The general manager represents Belgium at intergovernmental organizations and advances the Belgian interests in context of the general policy of:
- ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)
- EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites)
The general manager is the permanent representative of Belgium at the WMO (World Meteorological Organization). Following topics are part of his authority:
- International cooperation of the Belgian meteorology at WMO
- International meteorological and climatological Research- and Cooperationsprograms
- International congresses with meteorological and climatological subjects
- International standards
The general manager represents the institute at the European organization EIG-EUMETNET and at other international organizations. He is resonsible for the activity coordination of the institute within these organizations.
The general manager organizes the administrative processes of the institute. He coordinates all the permanent projects of the institute.
The general manager gets support from Mrs. Carine Beetens ( Head of the Secretariat ) en Mrs. Jennifer Latteur.
- Tel.: 0032 (0)2/373 05 01 - 0032 (0)2/373 05 02
- Fax.: 0032 (0)2/375 12 59
- E-mail: dir[at]
Human Resources

The personnel department manages the records of the statutory and contractual staff, the social and professional aspects, the aspects for career and promotion, the contracts of the personnel and the administrative part.
Contact persons are Mrs. Cindy Overloop (head of department), Mrs. Daphné Thirionet and Mrs. Rita Vanleuven.
- Tel. : 0032 (0)2/373 05 07 - 0032 (0)2/373 04 81 - 0032 (0)2/373 05 03
- Fax.: 0032 (0)2/375 12 59
- E-mail: humanres[at]
Staff members of the bookkeeping are Mrs. Muriel Borremans (head of department), Mr. Dirk Boagerts, Mrs. Laïla El Moussaoui and Mr. Vincent Thumas.
- Tel.: 0032 (0)2/373 05 04
- Fax: 0032 (0)2/375 12 59
- E-mail: compta[at]
Legal service
Legal service gives legal advice to the general manager and manages the following contracts of the KMI:
Contracts of the users of the RMI, Contracts with the suppliers of the RMI and Cooperation agreements.
- Tel.: 0032 (0)2/373 05 01
- Fax: 0032 (0)2/375 12 59
- E-mail: dir[at]
Security service
Mr. Eddy Van Cutsem and Mr. Simo Spassov are responsible for the security in the buildings of the RMI.
- Tel.: 0032 (0)2/373 05 77 - 0032 (0)60/39 54 98
- Fax: 0032 (0)2/375 12 59
- E-mail: preventie[at]
Environmental coordinator
The environmental coordinator Mr. Benoit Vandervaeren manages the environmental management system according to the basic principles outlined in the EMAS Regulation (EU2017 / 1505).
- Tel.: 0032 (0)2/373 67 89
- Fax.: 0032 (0)2/375 12 59
- E-mail: benoit.vandervaeren[at]
The reception of the RMI ensures the welcome of the visitors, the management of the mail and the sale of the publications of the RMI. Mrs. Laetitia Creces and Mr. Anthony Debusscher guarantee these services.
- Tel.: 0032 (0)2/373 05 08
- Fax: 0032 (0)2/375 12 59
- E-mail: acc[at]